Aftercare instructions for your new tattoo!
Congrats on your new tattoo! Here's a few pointers to help it heal properly:
Rinse Tattoo for 10 minutes in warm, running water. In the shower or under a faucet is perfect and should be done the 1st and 2nd night just before bed. This will help decrease the amount of scabbing that your tattoo will have.
Do not touch your new tattoo without washing your hands or sanitizing your hands prior. If you do not wash or sanitize your hands before touching the tattoo this could result in a staph infection.
Use a name-brand, fragrance free skin lotion, such as Jergens or Curel. Apply the lotion just like you would lotion anything else, rubbing in as normal. Apply 4 times a day, breakfast-lunch-dinner-bedtime.
Wash your tattoo as soon as you would like but with gentle soap and no rag or loofa until back to normal skin. Rinse soap out immediately and thoroughly.
Do not pick the peeling skin! If you pick it, you will ruin it!
No tanning, direct sunlight, or hot tubs for 3 weeks.
No swimming pools until back to normal skin, but still observe the no sun rule for the entire 3 weeks.
If you have further questions regarding healing or aftercare, you can email us here:
message us on instagram via the link below